The Great Wall of Vagina

The artist Jamie McCartney started this project as an experiment.He wanted to show people that every one is unique in his creation even vaginas are different. 9 panels each with 40 vaginas stand next to each other to form the Great Vagina Wall. Looking closer we can see the differences between each vagina, each one belongs to a different women, each one has an age and a uniqueness.

Is there a perfect vagina? The exhibition poses this question and nagates it at the same time. You can never ask such a question because after closer look at the vaginas you notice that each once has its own perfection in some way. How can you compare between relatively different “things”. To some extent it makes women feel more comfortable about their own vagina. It is no longer a taboo to take a closer look at your own organ.


I loved the movie. I was dazzled  by the idea of making a house fly by attaching balloons to it and now, thanks to National Geographic, the fantasy became reality.

They actually managed to make a house rise into air by attaching helium balloons to it. In case you are not familiar with the movie here’s a link: